Heart Breath Awakening

Weaving together Breathwork , Ceremony, Natural Medicine & Herbalism

Thank you for being here today,

Nothing in life is random, all of your life experiences even the painful ones hold meaning and serve as a call to the path of purpose and love. Adversity and painful experiences can serve as catalysts for personal growth and self-discovery fostering resilience and inner strength.

In order to make room in ourselves for the miraculous to take root, most of us need to uncover, and ultimately leave behind a deeply rooted fundamental insistence on a life of limitation.

And this is where working deeply with the medicine of the breath in a sacred and held space, opens you to receive your souls highest prayer becoming manifest - for your life, your health, purpose path … whatever is your wish, and so much more!

Laurel’s holistic guidance includes re-writing old stories to let the new emerging to take hold. Living naturally tuned to the cycles of the Wheel of the Year, transforming and integrating as you go so that you can have the life you came here to experience, to live your purpose & your path.

Please send me a message and let’s create space to explore deeply.

With so much love,