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Sweatlodge Ceremony

Next Sweatlodge Ceremony in Maleny SEPTEMBER 2nd:


3pm - 7.30pm

On Gubbi Gubbi/Jinabarra land we welcome you to join our next gathering in Maleny. Qld.

The Sweatlodge is an opportunity to participate and pray in the traditional way of the Lakota people.

We send you all the information to help you prepare when you book your space 🦋
The Lodge represents Mother Earth, so we crawl in on hands and knees to humble ourselves praying for the benefit of All Our Relations (Mitakuye Oyasin) and when we crawl out at the end of the ceremony it is like a rebirth
Cleansed in Body, Mind, Heart (body and spirit), and Soul
Adapted from Sweat Lodge Etiquette from Carmeen and Sitting Owl

Returning to the greatest Mother… her womb … gathering her bones … the stone people … the grandmothers and grandfathers, our ancestors.

We honor with deep gratitude as we gather in a circle with our prayers, chants and offerings and dream in the new Earth.

With respect we enter her body a time to purify, release and cleanse.  We open to receive love and nurturing, surrendering to embrace of our Mother.  

We seek guidance through sweating, prayer, chants and songs.

Aligning and evolving from the tradition that the lodge is the womb of mother, this lodge is interwoven from the mysteries. Connecting to spirit, we sit and listen, connecting to the spirit, connecting to Earth, connecting to the guidance and wisdom of the ancient ones.

Bookings essential - email Laurel

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