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SWEATLODGE Ceremony in Maleny

Returning to the greatest Mother… her womb …gathering her bones …the stone people… the grandmothers and grandfathers our ancestors.

May 10th - Friday Evening Sweatlodge in Maleny


$80 covers the ceremony, Tobacco Offering, showers and delicious vegetarian feast afterward

Moving towards the Winter season & feeling the inward pull of introspection after harvesting all we've sown, from the first seeds planted in Springtime. This period of introspection occurs all around us being reflected to us from Nature, as we watch the trees shed what no longer serves. We are at the time of letting go and release in the southern hemisphere we can now check in, and choose what to leave behind and what to take forward for our lives in the Purification Lodge and the medicine of the Water Element.

On Gubbi Gubbi/Jinabarra land we welcome you to join our next gathering in Maleny. Qld.

The Sweatlodge is an opportunity to participate and pray in the traditional way of the Lakota people.

You'll get all the information you need (address, what to bring and how best prepare) on booking

Returning to the greatest Mother… her womb …gathering her bones …the stone people… the grandmothers and grandfathers our ancestors.

We honor, with deep gratitude we gather in a circle with our prayers, chants and offerings and dream in the new Earth.

With respect we enter her body a time to purify, release and cleanse. We open to receive…love and nurturing, surrendering to embrace of our Mother.

We seek guidance through sweating, prayer, chants and songs.

Aligning and evolving from the tradition that the lodge is the womb of mother, this lodge is interwoven from the mysteries. Connecting to spirit we sit and listen, connecting to Earth we receive guidance and wisdom of the ancient ones.

We emerge rebirthed- walking our dreams and prayers into our lives.


24 April

Last Wednesday of the month: APRIL Breathwork Group Ceremony ONLINE

29 May

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